next tuesday i’m giving a workshop regarding owasp top ten at the office so i’m preparing myself with a quick recap of certain concepts and vulnerabilities so as a warmup i went over the alert(1) to win challenges on


to those who aren’t familiar with these challenges let me do a quick briefing:

function escape(s) {
  return '<script>console.log("'+s+'");</script>';

this javascript code generates HTML in an unsafe way. the goal is to prove it, scaping the input in order to call alert(1).

this first challenge is quite straightforward since we can just close the quotes:


";)alert(1, "

which will output:


be aware that are many ways to solve the puzzles:


also wins.


function escape(s) {
  s = s.replace(/"/g, '\\"');
  return '<script>console.log("' + s + '");</script>';

there’s a replace function which changes the " for \", however, mentioned function doesn’t escape any other special character so we can add:


which is replaced by


allowing us to input alert(1)



this will output:



function escape(s) {
  s = JSON.stringify(s);
  return '<script>console.log(' + s + ');</script>';

the JSON.stringify function will take care of double quotes and backslashes but there’s a little detail regarding it: it doesn’t escapes angle brackets (<>)



this outputs:



be aware that some firefox versions can’t execute the solution for this one.

function escape(s) {
  var text = s.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
  // URLs
  text = text.replace(/(http:\/\/\S+)/g, '<a href="$1">$1</a>');
  // [[img123|Description]]
  text = text.replace(/\[\[(\w+)\|(.+?)\]\]/g, '<img alt="$2" src="$1.gif">');
  return text;

this one is a bit tricky, first of all is a function that parses Markdown syntaxis. i’ll recommend to any newcomer to play a bit with the [[img123|Description]] test case that is gave on the example. also note that the ALL the < and ALL the / are escaped.


even thought a rare case, we can abuse the regex in order to generate an imgtag which prompts an ´alert(1)´ with help of ´onerror´:


which will output the following:

<img alt="<a href="http://onerror='alert(1)'" src="1.gif">">http://onerror='alert(1)']]</a>


function escape(s) {
  // Slightly too lazy to make two input fields.
  // Pass in something like "TextNode#foo"
  var m = s.split(/#/);

  // Only slightly contrived at this point.
  var a = document.createElement('div');
  a.appendChild(document['create'+m[0]].apply(document, m.slice(1)));
  return a.innerHTML;

the vulnerability here resides on the line:

  a.appendChild(document['create'+m[0]].apply(document, m.slice(1)));

as we can see every (<>) is escaped to (&lt;&gt;)… if we check closer the info that is given on the code we find the comment: // Pass in something like "TextNode#foo"… so it’s concatenates a string that is createTextNodewhich is a DOM method. the tricky part here is know what’s the method that can actually help us to escape the string:



will output:



function escape(s) {
  // Pass inn "callback#userdata"
  var thing = s.split(/#/); 

  if (!/^[a-zA-Z\[\]']*$/.test(thing[0])) return 'Invalid callback';
  var obj = {'userdata': thing[1] };
  var json = JSON.stringify(obj).replace(/</g, '\\u003c');
  return "<script>" + thing[0] + "(" + json +")</script>";

once again we have a function that concatenates user input to call a function in a unsecure way… if we input callback#raz we got the following output:


so our input is inserted right on the middle of the scripts tags, we just need to escape the validation, how?






function escape(s) {
  return '<script>console.log("' + s.toUpperCase() + '")</script>';

this one is quite similar to the first one, the thing is if we try input something like ");<script>alert(1)</script> we got the following output:


which doesn’t exploits… the challenge here resides in finding an input that can bypass the toUpperCase method…



raz lupercio

infosec consultant